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华体会,生物质废物污染控制与资源化研究组 组长:刘振刚所属实验室:固体废弃物处理与资源化实验室

焦点提醒:生物资废料污染节制与资本化研究组组长:刘振刚所失实验室:固体烧毁物处置与资本化尝试室中国给水排水2024年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十五届)邀请函 (同期召开固废渗滤液大会、工业污泥大会、高浓度难降解工业废水处理大会)中国给水排水2024年城镇污泥处理处置技术与应用高级研讨会(第十五届)邀请函 (同期召开固废渗滤液大会、工业污泥大会、高浓度难降解工业废水处理大会)生物资废料污染节制与资本化研究组 组长: 刘振刚 所失实验室: 固体烧毁物处置与资本化尝试室







  成长生物资能是应对国际能源危机、全球天气转变等挑战的主要计谋办法。我国生物资资本丰硕,年夜量的生物资烧毁物如农林业烧毁物被闲置或不准确的处置,已形成了严峻的社会和情况问题。是以,生物资的高效干净操纵具有主要的社会、情况和经济意义。针对生物资燃烧操纵进程中热效力低、污染相对凸起等问题,展开了生物资水热提质生物炭的研究。研究注解:1)生物炭的燃料比和煤级与褐煤类似;2)生物资提质生物炭能够避免生物资燃烧时严峻的积灰和结渣问题; 3)生物炭混煤燃烧进程生物炭和煤炭之间具有较着的协同感化,这类协同感化提高了混燃系统的热转化效力,下降了污染物排放;4)生物炭具有杰出成型机能并说明生物炭首要经由过程“液桥”,氢键和份子力等成型的机理。生物资转化生物炭研究为实现生物资能的高效干净操纵供给了新的思绪。


组长 刘振刚研究员









孙月、迪丽达尔、王佳晓、孙浩、Niwemfurayase Aline


    Q. Lang., B. Zhang., Z. Liu*., Z. Chen., Y. Xia., D. Li., J. Ma., C. Gai. Co-hydrothermal carbonization of corn stalk and swine manure: Combustion behavior of hydrochar by thermogravimetric analysis. Bioresoruce Technology 2019,271,75-83. Q. Lang.,M. Chen.,Y. Guo.,Z. Liu*.,C. Gai. Effect of hydrothermal carbonization on heavy metals in swine manure: Speciation, bioavailability and environmental risk. Journal of Environmental Management 2019:234,97-103. Q. Lang., B. Zhang., Z. Liu*., W. Jiao., Y. Xia., Z. Chen., D. Li., J. Ma., C. Gai. Properties of hydrochars derived from swine manure by CaO assisted hydrothermal carbonization. Journal of Environmental Management 2019,233:440-446. J. Ma., M. Chen., T. Yang., Z. Liu*., W. Jiao., D. Li., C. Gai. Gasificatio�����APPn performance of the hydrochar derived from co-hydrothermal carbonization of sewage sludge and sawdust. Energy 2019,173:732-739. C. Gai., N. Zhu., S.K. Hoekman., Z. Liu*., W. Jiao., N. Peng. Highly dispersed nickel nanoparticles supported on hydrochar for hydrogen-rich syngas production from catalytic reforming of biomass. Energy Conversion and Management 2019,183:474-484. J. Ma., H. Luo., Y. Li., Z. Liu*., D. Li., C. Gai., W. Jiao. Pyrolysis kinetics and thermodynamic parameters of the hydrochars derived from co-hydrothermal carbonization of sewage sludge and sawdust using thermogravimetric analysis. Bioresource Technology 2019,282:133-141. D. Li., Y. Li., H. Liu., J. Ma., . Liu*., W. Jiao. Synthesis of biomass tar-derived foams through spontanesous forming for ultra-efficient herbicide removal from aqueous solution. Sciences of the Total Environment 2019,673:110-119. Y. Xia., T. Yang., N. Zhu., D. Li., Z. Chen., Q. Lang., Z. Liu*., W. Jiao. Enhanced adsorption of Pb(II) onto modified hydrochar: Modeling and mechnism analysis. Bioresource Technology 2019;288:121596. Y. Xia., H. Liu., Y. Guo., Z. Liu*., W. Jiao. Immobilization of heavy metas in contaminated soils by modified hydrochar: efficiency, risk assessement and poterntial mechanisms. Science of the Total Environment 2019;685:1201-1208. Q. Lang., H. Luo., Y. Li., D. Li., Z. Liu*., T. Yang. Thermal behavior of hydrochar from co-hydrothermal carbonziation of swine manure and sawdust: effect of process water recirculation. Sustainable Energy and Fuel 2019,3,2329-2336. Q. Lang., B. Zhang., Y. Li., Z. Liu*., W. Jiao. Formation and toxicity of polycyclic hydrocarbons during CaO assissted hydrothermal carbonzaiton of swine manure. Waste Management 2019,100:84-90. D. Li., T. Yang., Y. Li., Z. Liu*., W. Jiao. Facile and green synthesis of highly dispersed tar-based heterogeneous Fenton catalytic nanoparticles for the degradation of methylene blue. Journal of Cleaner Production 2019,119033. T. Liu., Q. Lang., Y. Xia., Z. Chen., D. Li., J. Ma., C. Gai., Z. Liu*. Combination of hydrothermal carbonization and oxy-fuel combustion process for sewage sludge tratment: Combustion characteriistics and kinetics analysis. Fuel 2019;242:265-276 C. Gai., T.Yang., H. Liu., Z. Liu*., W. Jiao. Green synthesis of hydrochar supported bimetallic nanocatalysts for sustainable H2 production by sorption-enhanced steam reforming of acetic acid. ACS Applied Nano Materials 2019, 2, 11, 7279-7289 T. Liu., Z. Liu*., Q. Zheng., Q. Lang., Y. Xia., N. Peng., C. Gai. Effect of hydrothermal carbonization on migration and environmental risk of heavy metals in sewage sludge during pyrolysis. Bioresource Technology 2018;247:282-290. C. Gai., F. Zhang., T. Yang., Z. Liu*., W. Jiao., N. Peng., T. Liu., Q. Lang., Y. Xia. Hydrochar supported bimetalliuc Ni-Fe nanocatalysts with tailored composition, size and shape for improved biomass steam reforming performance. Green Chemistry 2018,20,2788-2800. Q. Lang., Y. Guo.. Q. Zheng., Z. Liu*. Co-hydrothermal carbonization of lignocellulosic biomass and swine manure: Hydrochar properties and heavy metal transformation behavior. Bioresoruce Technology 2018,266,242-248. C. Gai., F. Zhang., Q. Lang., T. Liu., N. Peng., Z. Liu*. Facile one-pot synthesis of iron nanoparticles immobilized into the porous hydrochar for catalytic decomposition of phenol. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2017;204:566-76. C. Gai., F. Zhang., Y. Guo., N. Peng., T. Liu., Q. Lang., Y. Xia., Z. Liu*. Hydrochar-supported, in-situ generated nickel nanoparticles for sorption-enhanced catalytic gasification of sewage sludge. ACS Sustainable Chemistry &Engineering 2017;5:7613-7622.

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